This blog brought to you by a school librarian on a mission to bring books and kids together.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The School Year Does in Fact Draw to a Close

The school year ends--should Daniel and I go to the end-of-year party or the fair? Or both? Such difficult decisions!

The end of the year also means decisions in the library: what are the most important projects to finish, which ones can wait until August, and in my case, nevermind because the laptop is 99 percent dead and unless the local heroes can resurrect it, there'll be no culminating projects for me!

But there will continue to be reading, summer reading to be particular, and I want all the kids to be doing as much as they can this summer. I still believe Trelease when he says that talking about a book is the way to go. I wonder whether there would be a way to stay in touch with a blog or something. We've been working on getting a Google group together for the district group and it keeps having glitches. Bet the kids could work around it. I am going to talk to a principal or two and get a sense.

In the meantime, I have to tell you about The One about the Kid Who Nearly Fell to His Death and Landed in California. Junior High content but quite excellent.
